With an autumn invasion of spiders imminent, one of Britain’s most prestigious academic institutions has decided to get to the bottom of an age old mystery: are they really scared of conkers?
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 4:56PM BST 02 Oct 2009
Members of the public desperate to keep back the arachnid hordes have contacted the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) asking whether the old wives' tale that spiders suffer from “conkerphobia” is true.
According to folklore, leaving conkers near doors or on window ledges will guarantee that no creepy-crawly arachnids scuttle into your home.
Now to see if the stories are true, the RSC is offering £300 to anyone who can back the claims with persuasive evidence.
The 46,000-member Society, which has roots dating back to 1841, is also consulting biologists and insect and spider experts.
One theory is there might be a chemical in conkers that spiders hate.
John Edwards, of the RSC, said: “We have been told by external contacts that conkers do prevent invasion by spiders.
“Apparently they have to be fairly fresh to have their deterrent effect. But there are claims on the web, pardon the pun, that spiders don’t like them at all and steer clear – which to those suffering arachnophobia is great news.”
Stuart Hine, at the Natural History Museum, said as far as he knew there was no scientific evidence supporting the theory.
“Conkers does rhyme with bonkers and I know of no science behind this idea,” he said.
“That said not many insects find the horse chestnut very palatable unlike say the oak tree. It is likely that there are some chemicals that they find unpalatable.
“Chestnuts originate from abroad and it may be that insects and spiders in this country do not like the taste.
“There are however a dozen other things I would try before conkers, such as lavender or citrus fruits. Insect repellents are usually aromatic in nature.”
This autumn is expected to see an unusually large invasion of spiders because of the mild and damp summer.
Members of the public are invited to send photographic or video evidence, or supported written accounts, to the RSC at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, by October 31.
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