IN Zimbabwe, a cow has given birth to a pig. (You don’t get this with cloned beef, readers!)
Mr Tinos Mberi of Chatsworth, Masvingo, was amazed. He regains his composure to tell us:
“The whole body and size was that of a piglet. The nose and mouth was like that of a pig, except that it did not have a hairy body.”
How did this come about? Maybe the piglet as trying to crawl in and not come out? Mr Mberi has his own theory:
“I think it is the work of some black magicians. How can anyone explain such a horrible occurrence? It is the work of black magicians who are trying to scare me off the land.”
Masvingo Provincial Veterinary Officer, Dr Ernest Dzimwasha, offers his version of the happening:
“It was simply a deformed calf that looked like a pig. Some deformed calves may look like monsters and we also have some that are known as bulldog-calves. These may look like a bulldog but it’s all due to deformities, just like in human beings.”
A calf thing looks like bulldog!? It’s the ultimate dog food. Get Kim Jong-Il on the phone. We have a solution!
Nice use of - photoshop