Monday, 20 December 2010

Orphaned Congo Clawless Otter is an ambassador for conservation in the Congo

Congo clawless otter reared in a village

December 2010. Since mid-February otter conservation organisation, the International Otter Survival Fund, have been helping missionaries in the Democratic Republic of Congo to raise an orphaned Congo Clawless Otter.

Severe decline due to hunting
Due to commercial hunting for meat and fur, the Congo Clawless Otter population numbers have undergone severe decline. In an area, where it's the culture to hunt, the saving and raising of a rare wild creature has generated much interest and amazement within the local population (and further afield!). It has created an environment for conservation education, which has now become a focus of learning in the Congo village of Kikongo in Bandundu Province, where wildlife, habitat and land is constantly under threat.

The story began when the IOSF, received an email from missionaries, Glen and Rita Chapman, based in the Congolese village. The message simply read, "A hunter brought a dead female Congo Clawless Otter from the forest today. He also had a white newborn female pup-otter - eyes still closed, but very much alive... outlook is bleak."

IOSF immediately arranged for otter milk substitute to be despatched, whilst in the meantime Rita and Glen improvised - eventually the milk was delivered by supply plane. A week later, the cub was thriving and had grown 8cm! Very soon, a network of zoos, vets and other otter conservation groups were pooling their expertise and knowledge, via email, to help Rita and Glen.

In the local language, the word ‘Mazu' means noise - and this is what Glen and Rita called the young orphan. It's particularly apt, as Mazu makes a variety of noises - a range of happy snuffling, sighs, small whistles, tweets, twitters and squeaks.

In May, Rita wrote, "Yesterday, we were informed that some children found a mouse, cleaned it up, put powder on it, and want to make a house for it. They say they want to do like Mama Rita is doing with the otter! Isn't it nice that some kids are beginning to see some creature as more than meat? Is this the beginning of conservation I wonder?"

Flight stop over
Very quickly the word spread, that something unusual was happening in Kikongo - supply pilots, visitors to the area, local dignitaries and visiting students are all anxious to meet Mazu and learn about her (and conservation!) The Chapman's live close to the village's airstrip, and many people in transit, now stop by to see Mazu, and learn more about Congo Clawless Otters.

Otter prints similar to lions
Rita reports "One of the elders called by. We showed him Mazu and asked about otters. He says they have them upriver where he lives. He says they confuse the otter prints with lion prints (they are that large!) He says they are mostly in the swamp and along the streams, but they don't see them very much in the open river. He imitated the otter call. Since he is close to the chief, we asked if they would make a general announcement for people not to shoot otters."

A politician from Kinshasa also expressed an interest to meet Mazu - he'd heard about the conservation programme being carried out with her ‘help' - when he visited, this also facilitated an opportunity for local villagers to put forward a delegation, and engineer conversations about land use.

In the meantime, Mazu is learning to catch her own fish, taking great pleasure in rolling, playing and eating the non-native water hyacinth - like most otters she combines eating with play, and Rita and Glen admit that they are now ‘trained' in carrying fresh supplies from the river each day.

Recently, Rita reported "No doubt about it, Mazu is a show stopper and ambassador for otter conservation wherever she goes."

"In the evening when the whole community is taking various paths to wash up in the river or springs, people stand at respectful distances waiting for Mazu to pass by so that they can get a good look at her. They are impressed with her beauty, her size, her teeth (!), and awed that a wild animal can live with people. Or, as often seems the case to us, we live with her."

"Invariably, there are further observations and questions that follow these encounters and others at the house. Those adults and children, who regularly help with Mazu's care, seem to enjoy educating amazed visitors who frequently stop by Mazu's outside enclosure, to watch her digging or playing in her pools. For those who can read French, a Congo Clawless Otter fact sheet is available on the fence for reading. Each and everyday, informal, but important conversations are taking place regarding Mazu and her value in our swamps and rivers."

International Otter Survival Fund

Grace Yoxon, of IOSF, says, "Working with Glen and Rita and Mazu is so exciting. When we first heard about Mazu we were all just concerned with helping them to rear her, but what they are doing for otter conservation through her is simply amazing. We also now have a network of experts around the world working with us, and, of course, Rita and Glen, who can share their knowledge and expertise. This network sprang into action once again (in May), when another cub (this time a Spotted Neck Otter) was found on the other side of the Congo.

People worldwide have been following Mazu's story on the IOSF Blog and website, and it is great to have this support. The milk we sent for Mazu has to be imported from America; we also use it for the cubs we care for at the Skye otter sanctuary. Cubs stay with their mothers for about a year, so IOSF have to release them at the same age as otherwise they won't survive. This makes it very expensive and so the support we receive is vital.

If anyone wants to know more about Mazu or the work of IOSF they can find out more on the website at "

About Otters in the Congo:
There are two types of otter in the area - Congo Clawless (Aonyx congicus) and the Spotted Neck Otter (Lutra maculicollis). The Clawless Otter is the second largest otter in the world. This species resides around wetlands, streams or ponds in the rainforests of Central Africa. Although most otters are considered aquatic, this otter is thought to be more terrestrial.

The Congo Clawless Otter is dark brown in colour which helps it blend into its muddy surroundings. White tips of the hairs on the dorsal head and neck area give it a silvery look. The chest, nose, and ears are white. There is also a very distinguished patch of dark fur between the eye and the nose on each side of the face. The front feet have no claws or webbing. The back feet have very small claws, which are partially webbed.

The Congo Clawless Otter is a larger than most species, with a total length of 118 to 156 cm, with 40 to 59 cm of it being the tail. Adults usually weigh between 15 to 25 kg. The Congo Clawless Otter is very similar in appearance to the Cape Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis). However, the Congo Clawless Otter has a more slender head and neck, the cheeks tend to be white rather than beige as in the Cape Clawless, and the dark mark between the eye and nose is more prominent. A less obvious distinguishing characteristic is the more deeply cusped molars.

Predators: birds of prey, crocodiles, leopards, pythons, and man.
Otter bush meat is common in Congo and Cameroon, but not in Gabon because of its reputation of being a dangerous animal - the myth in Gabon is that otters can give electric shocks when caught with a spear. Some people don't like to eat otters because of the smell which can linger!

Otters are also thought to be magical and possess powers that when you catch an otter, skin it, and wear its fur, you are thought to become invisible to your enemy. This emanates from the belief of the otter's ability to escape fish traps. Its fur is also used in Cameroon to make drums.

All 13 species of otters are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) - a worldwide treaty developed in 1973 to regulate trade in wildlife species.

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