Monday, 29 August 2011

Rare sand lizards released back to the wild on Merseyside

Species has been lost from local heathland August 2011: The UK's rarest lizard has been given a helping hand, with 80 captive-bred sand lizards released on the Sefton Coast as part of a long-term conservation project to restore the species' status and historic range.

The release at The Lancashire Wildlife Trust's Freshfield Dune Heath is one of 19 projects within the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership Scheme.
CAPTIVE BRED: Young sand lizards.
Picture: Phil Smith

In the UK, sand lizards only live on two rare habitats - sand-dunes and lowland dry heath. A healthy population still survives on the sand dunes of the Sefton Coast but they have been lost from the heathland.

Lizards are extending their rangeLast September, 34 juvenile sand lizards were released at Freshfield and a number have been found and photographed since, moving further away from the release site than had been anticipated.

Merseyside sand lizards have a unique genetic make-up and the juveniles due for release have been captive bred from local stock. The animals are being released later this month to allow them to get used to the reintroduction site before hibernation in October.

Fiona Whitfield of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust said: ‘We are excited at the arrival of a new species for the reserve and to be a part of these important local and national projects. There is a large population of common lizards on Freshfield Dune Heath so we are confident that the sand lizards will thrive here.'

The lizard release is part of a three-year Heritage Lottery Funded Project being delivered by the Sefton Coast Partnership. It is also supported by the North Merseyside Amphibian and Reptile Group, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation and Natural England.


  1. i am sure i seen one of these lizards when i was walking across a coastal footpath in hartlepool on some wood then it went it bushes

  2. i am sure i seen one of there while walking across a coastal footpath in hartlepool


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