Young eagle had been taken back by its parents
October 2011: A Critically Endangered Philipine eagle, that had been rescued as a juvenile has been found dead in the Philippines. It appears to have been shot according to The Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF).
The eagle, called Hagpa, was originally rescued after being captured by a farmer in May last year. The eagle, thought to be a six to eight-month-old female at time of rescue, was treated for minor injuries and stress at the Philippine Eagle Centre for 21 days then released back to her forest home. To protect the bird from further harm, a community-wide education campaign was conducted by volunteer teachers.
Had begun to live independentlyHagpa's release was the first case of a young eaglet accepted back by its parents after being separated for 27 days. The resumption of filial bonds between the parents and the returning eaglet was confirmed during a fieldwork in July 2010, when the eaglet was seen in active play, healthy and fed by her parents. Since then the eaglet had been venturing further away from its parents' territory as it began to live on its own.
But, after being alerted by a member of the public, the PEF team found a dead eagle that was already in an advanced state of decomposition. They were able to recover a leg band positively identifying the remains as that of Hagpa.
More bones and feathers, the frame of the head, sternum and tail feathers, the leg and tarsus were found spread on the river rocks close to the creek and its junction with the Udyangun River. Hagpa's radio transmitter however remains missing. The eagle had been fitted with both a satellite transmitter and a radio transmitter prior to its release. The satellite transmitter that was retrieved has a bullet-sized hole, prompting the PEF to believe that the eagle had been shot.
I feel sorry for the bird. People can be such an ass sometimes.They shot Hagpa dead for what reason?