cause of the deaths is still unclear and under investigation.
mortality among Saigas in Kazakhstan: 12,000 dead
2010. Nearly 12,000 Critically Endangered Saiga antelopes have been found dead
in the Ural population in western Kazakhstan.
is a tragic and shocking event. It's particularly unfortunate that the
population was just emerging from an unusually harsh winter, and that those
struck down are mostly females and this year's calves," said Prof. E.J.
Milner-Gulland, Chair of the Saiga Conservation Alliance and a member of IUCN
Species Survival Commission Antelope Specialist Group.
decline in population since 1995
The official 2009 estimate of the size of the Ural population was 26,000 animals. The Saiga is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to a 95% decline in its population size since 1995, caused by uncontrolled poaching in the aftermath of the break-up of the Soviet Union. It has only five populations, which are found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. In the last few years it has been showing some recovery, thanks to conservation efforts, however, the Ural population is the only group of Saiga without an internationally-supported conservation programme.
The official 2009 estimate of the size of the Ural population was 26,000 animals. The Saiga is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to a 95% decline in its population size since 1995, caused by uncontrolled poaching in the aftermath of the break-up of the Soviet Union. It has only five populations, which are found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. In the last few years it has been showing some recovery, thanks to conservation efforts, however, the Ural population is the only group of Saiga without an internationally-supported conservation programme.
causes as yet unknown
The cause of the deaths is still unclear and under investigation. Although the deaths are currently being ascribed to the bacteria pasteurellosis, the underlying trigger remains to be identified. Pasteurellosis is caused by a bacterium that lives naturally in healthy individuals, but can cause acute illness and rapid death if the animal's immune system is compromised, either by another infection, poisoning, stress or malnutrition. Any of these explanations are possible.
The cause of the deaths is still unclear and under investigation. Although the deaths are currently being ascribed to the bacteria pasteurellosis, the underlying trigger remains to be identified. Pasteurellosis is caused by a bacterium that lives naturally in healthy individuals, but can cause acute illness and rapid death if the animal's immune system is compromised, either by another infection, poisoning, stress or malnutrition. Any of these explanations are possible.
Ural population has been relatively neglected by international conservation
until now, but hopefully this event will bring government, national and
international conservationists together to mount a coordinated response to save
this remote population," said Milner-Gulland.
Committee on Forestry and Hunting of the Kazakhstan within the Ministry of
Agriculture has mounted a rapid response. These efforts are now being aided by
local NGO, the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan,
with the support of the Saiga Conservation Alliance, who are helping the
government to investigate the cause of death. In addition, IUCN's Antelope
Specialist Group members have been active in advising these organizations.
of the Saiga
Conservation Alliance
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