Sunday, 15 September 2013

Badger cull a shambles according to Conservation charity – DEFRA denies

Somerset badger cull

September 2013. Following the revelation in the Western Morning News that shooters involved in the badger cull in Somerset are failing to kill anything like the numbers of badgers required to fulfil their quotas, Mark Jones, veterinarian and Executive Director of Humane Society International/UK gave the following reaction:

"It comes as no surprise that the badger cull is failing in its efforts to devastate badger populations in the pilot areas. This unjustified policy has been a shambles from the outset. It deeply saddens me that even one badger has to suffer and die for the sake of political expediency. The government should have rejected this policy from the start, and instead focused on more progressive, humane, and science-based solutions to the problem of TB in cattle. Now it must abandon this travesty that has already cost farmers and the taxpayer dear and caused deep divisions within our communities."

DEFRA breach on information
DEFRA is also in breach of a legally binding decision of the Information Commissioner, who ordered DEFRA to release information to HSI UK on exactly how ‘humaneness' was to be measured and assessed during the pilot culls. The legally binding deadlines for DEFRA to release the information, or appeal the decision, have both passed, but as yet no appeal has been lodged and HSI UK has received no further information.


A DEFRA spokeswoman has claimed that the HSI is incorrect in stating that the deadline for the information has passed. DEFRA believes that the deadline is the 23rd September, and that this will be met.

The spokeswoman, when questioned about the quota, stated that they will not be providing a running commentary on the numbers involved, and that they will provide details once the cull has finished.

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