Friday, 27 December 2013

Closure of water race a threat to native fish


Last updated 12:00 05/12/2013

A Horowhenua water race will be closed despite concerns doing so will dry out a creek home to threatened species of native fish.

The Horowhenua District Council voted last night to close the Waikawa Open Water Race near Manakau.

That will save the council about $20,000 in operational and consenting costs, much of which is paid by farmers who own land the drain runs through.

It could also mean the drying up over summer, Horizons Regional Council staff said, of parts of the Mangahuia Stream, which is home to species such as inanga, longfin eel and giant kokopu. All three species are classed as in decline nationally.

The race draws water from the Waikawa Stream and drains into the Mangahuia, which feeds back into the Waikawa.

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