Sunday, 12 April 2015

A vampire bat’s favorite food is bacon, study says

April 11, 2015

Chuck Bednar for – @BednarChuck

People love bacon. It’s widely consumed, it gets added to things like ice cream and pizza crust (praise the gods), it’s inspired a long line of Internet memes, and was even given its very own holiday. But as it turns out, humans aren’t the only ones with a taste for bacon.

Writing in a recent edition of the Journal of Mammalogy, researchers from the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, Brazil analyzed the feces of vampire bats to find the favored prey of the creatures and found that they also seem to have a taste for “the other white meat.” It sounds like redOrbit has something in common with vampire bats.

Searching for bacon bits in vampire bat feces

The study authors explained that they studied DNA fragments found in vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) droppings to discover exactly what the creatures preferred to dine on. Morphological identification of the prey fragments would normally be impossible, however, because of the bats’ exclusive blood-based diet.

So, they modified an existing technique and used it to isolate and amplify the genetic material of five potential prey species in the bat feces (chickens, pigs, dogs, cattle, and humans), according to Science. The team then spent a total of 47 nights in 18 villages in the Amazon region, capturing and collecting scat samples from a total of 157 vampire bats.

Over 60 percent of the viable samples collected contained chicken DNA, with pig DNA showing up in approximately 30 percent of them. While the bats ate more chicken, they also had greater access to chicken than pigs. Once the authors adjusted the results based on the availability of the respective animals, they calculated that vampire bats actually preferred pork.

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