Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Badger campaigners intellectually dishonest

Finally a number of the memos and letters written by Prince Charles to the government have finally been published . The memos cover a wide range of topics including farming and the environment. One exchange of letters covered subjects as diverse as hill farms, lynx helicopters in Iraq and the badger cull.

The exchange was with Prime Minister Tony Blair and in relation to Tb in cattle the Prince of Wales said he could not understand the badger lobby and termed them as intellectually dishonest.

The remark was made in a letter dated 24th February 2005 and was in relation to the Prince commenting on how anti-cull campaigners were happy to see the slaughter of thousands of expensive cattle while objecting to the cull of an over-population of badgers.

In the same letter he referred to the success of the badger cull that had been undertaken in the Republic of Ireland which at the time was claimed to have produced a 96% reduction in the occurrence of Tb in cattle.

The letter tells Tony Blair that Prince Charles and food producers were concerned over the future due to the levels of Tb. At the time of the letter the government were in the process of producing a 10 year action plan on tackling the incidence of Tb in cattle.

Prince Charles urged Tony Blair to implement a full scale badger cull in the UK to replicate the success of the Republic of Ireland.

It is at this point that Prince Charles wrote:

“I, for one, cannot understand how the “badger lobby” seem to mind not at all about the slaughter of thousands of expensive cattle, and yet object to a managed cull of an 0ver-population of badgers – to me, this is intellectually dishonest“

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