Monday, 8 July 2019

Mussels stressed by under water sea noise

Mussels are stressed by underwater noise from ships, research suggests.
Scientists said that while this was not "immediately dangerous" for the creatures, it could affect growth and may even help explain a decline in mussel banks in some areas of the UK.
Previous studies have looked at how noise affects larger marine creatures, such as whales and dolphins.
Now marine scientists from Edinburgh's Napier and Heriot Watt universities are looking at the impact on mussels.
Despite the molluscs not having ears, the researchers found they can detect changing sound levels in their environment.
The scientists collected mussels from the shore at Musselburgh, East Lothian, and tested their response to noise in a laboratory at the St Abbs Marine Station near Eyemouth - a charity dedicated to marine science, conservation and education.

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