Wednesday, 27 November 2019

How world-first technology in Australia could prevent crocodile deaths – via Herp Digest

By Jason Lye, 9/29/29 NewsMax, 

A summer swim in North Queensland comes with a warning; danger is often not far away. 

Every three years a person is killed by a crocodile in the sunshine state. 

But world-first technology could now prevent it; spotting crocodiles from above by drone. 

In the murky waterways of far North Queensland, subtle signs are deceiving to the naked eye. 

Crocodile spotted using pool noodle to cross the canal 

Croc wanders onto Aussie beach metres away from locals, tourists 

Australians give each other crocodiles for Christmas 

It’s often hard to tell the difference between logs and crocodiles, but the deadly consequences are instantly clear. 

“That second could mean the difference between life and death in a potential crocodile attack,” said Ben Thurgood of Amazon Web Services. 

But now new technology developed in Australia can spot a crocodile by drone from the air. 

The “CrocSpotter” algorithm, supported by Amazon uses artificial intelligence. 

And it’s already vastly better than the naked eye – picking up 93 percent of crocodiles – more than six times what a human can. 

The drones were designed to spot swimmers in trouble and now can identify deadly threats. 

First, they developed shark spotting software, and now crocodiles are in their sights. 

It’s the newest tool for lifesavers this summer in Queensland, who will know within a second if danger is near. 

An eye in the sky over cloudy waters, where danger never lurks far beneath. 


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