by Steve and Kalyar Platt on July 20,
2012, Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter
adult (two males and two females) Asian Brown Tortoises (Manouria emys) arrived
at the Yangon airport on Thursday, June 28, ultimately destined for an
assurance colony at the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Sanctuary in Gwa, Myanmar. The
tortoises were found in a village by the TSA/WCS Turtle Team during a recent
survey for Southern River Terrapins (Batagur affinis) in Tanintharyi Division
of southernmost Myanmar. The owner reportedly obtained the tortoises from a
local hunter after they were captured in mammal snares set in the nearby
forest. One female suffered a broken rear leg as a result of the snare, the
bones were exposed, and the wound had become infested with flesh-eating
maggots. Otherwise the tortoises appeared in good health despite the deplorable
state of their living quarters in a ramshackle chicken coop. The well-intentioned
owner agreed to donate his captives to TSA with the promise the animals would
receive better care. We immediately applied to the Forest Department for
permission to transport the tortoises to a temporary holding facility at the
Yangon Zoo. Unfortunately, we had to leave Tanintharyi before the required
paperwork had been processed.
departing Tanintharyi we made arrangements for traveling crates to be
constructed, and Myanmar Airways agreed to transport the living cargo
free-of-charge on their daily flight to Yangon. After Wednesday's flight was
cancelled because of bad weather, we received word the tortoises would arrive
the following day and were on-hand to meet the incoming flight. The tortoises,
dubbed the "Tanintharyi Four" arrived as scheduled and were
immediately transported to a temporary quarantine facility at the Yangon Zoo
where they will remain for at least 30 days. Upon completion of the quarantine
period, the Tanintharyi Four will be transferred to the recently established
assurance colony at Gwa. The injured female is now being cared for by zoo
veterinarian U Tun Myint, and receiving large doses of antibiotics to clear up
the infection in her shattered leg. At this point it remains unclear whether
amputation will prove necessary. These tortoises are a valuable addition to the
small assurance colony and their offspring will contribute towards our ultimate
goal of recovering wild populations of Manouria emys in Myanmar.
Like many
species of chelonians, Manouria emys is faring poorly in Myanmar. Not only does
their large body size make these tortoises attractive targets for subsistence
hunters, but large-scale government-sponsored land clearance for oil palm
plantations threatens to destroy much of their remaining habitat. During our
recent expedition we saw first-hand the extent of this habitat destruction and
found shells of recently eaten Manouria emys at several villages. In fact, most
distribution records for this species in Myanmar are based on the remains of
tortoises found in villages and hunting camps rather than observations of wild
individuals. According to village interviews conducted during our trip,
Manouria emys can still be found where primary forest remains intact. Unlike
some smaller species of turtles (e.g., Indotestudo elongata, Cyclemys
oldhamii), Brown Tortoises rarely occur in secondary forests, oil palm or
rubber plantations unless they have wandered in from nearby undisturbed forest.
No matter where found, those that fall into the hands of villagers are
invariably slaughtered and eaten. On an encouraging note, we found the illegal
wildlife trade has yet to penetrate southern Myanmar. Because road networks
linking Tanintharyi to the rest of Myanmar are non-existent and cargo must be
moved by air or boat, we assume that transportation costs are simply too high
to make exporting wildlife to southern China profitable.
contrast to most places we visited, the residents of Chaung Lamu Village
refrain from killing Brown Tortoises. When queried as to why they would pass up
such a potentially large meal, villagers explained that the large size of many
Brown Tortoises suggests great age, and killing an animal that has managed to
live for so many years is sure to anger the local spirits and bring misfortune
to the village. Whether these beliefs can be harnessed for conservation remains
to be seen. However, similar beliefs are the cornerstone of our reintroduction
plan for Burmese Star Tortoises (Geochelone platynota) and might likewise prove
beneficial to Brown Tortoises.
Several large
protected areas in southern Tanintharyi provide further opportunities for
conservation of Brown Tortoises. Although yet to be surveyed, it is likely
these areas harbor resident populations of Manouria emys that would benefit
from conservation measures. In the future we hope to collaborate with the
Forest Department to survey these areas, develop effective conservation plans
for Manouria emys and other turtles, and identify sites where captive-bred
tortoises can be returned to the wild to "jump start" the recovery of
wild populations.
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