A rare bird is flourishing at a Cannock beauty spot – despite the species being listed as ‘critically endangered.’
Nightjars – currently listed by the RSPB as a species in severe decline – are continuing to thrive on Cannock Chase.
The heathland areas of the Chase are an ideal habitat for the elusive, ground-nesting bird, which favours open areas of shrubland.
Jim Stewart, Chase Wildlife Ranger, said: “Nightjars have been continuing to breed on the Chase, despite conditions not being ideal this summer.”
A series of open-air concerts held at the Chase throughout June also did nothing to daunt the increase in Nightjars, with a pair nesting just a quarter-of-a-mile from the stage.
A Forestry Commission spokesperson said: “Nightjars are shy birds and not easy to see, but the call of the male bird is unmistakable.
“Hunting moths and insects at dawn and dusk, they have an almost supernatural reputation with their silent flight.
“To have such a rare bird thriving on the Chase is a fantastic success.”
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