A tiger plays in the pool in its enclosure at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Camp Verde, Arizona. Photo: Kathleen Reeder / Solent News & Photo AgencyOn first glance, it appears as if a group of unsuspecting swimmers are about to become a tiger's lunch.
Published: 7:30AM GMT 05 Mar 2010
But despite appearances, the picture actually shows the animal playing with zoo keepers in a pool.
Used to human contact, the tigers play a harmless game of chase with their trainers around the pool edge before diving into the water.
Although they look ferocious, the animals don't protract their claws, so no harm comes to their trainers as they tussle in the water.
The game involving six Bengal and Siberian tigers has become a popular attraction at the Africa Wildlife Park, in Camp Verde, Arizona, in the US.
Kathleen Reeder, 52, a wildlife photographer who captured the images, said: "The show starts with about three to five keepers coming into the pool area with the tigers.
"The tigers walk and run around the pool area, showing love and affection for their keepers by rubbing up against them just like a house cat rubs against their owner.
"The keeper then runs around the pool area getting the tigers' attention.
"It's like playing with your house cat with a toy. You wave the toy in front of the cat to get the cat to chase it.
"The keepers want the tigers to chase them, when they have the tiger's attention they will run, dive or jump into the pool.
"Most of the time the tigers will jump in right after them.
"These tigers love their keepers so they don't protract their claws when chasing or when jumping into the water.
"There will always be two keepers in the water to make sure that things don't get out of hand.
"They know what to do to appropriately handle the tigers in the water, no one gets hurt."
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