might exist that have crawled out of nightmares. They're called the "J'ba
FoFi" (giant spider, pronounced ch-bah foo fee) in Central Africa.
Many people might define a giant spider as one that's bigger than their hand. Some may think bigger and envision the horrifying Goliath 'bird eating spider' that dwells in the darker corners of the ancient Amazon rain forest. That eight-legged terror spans a whopping 14-inches.
those people aren't thinking big enough.
The size of the Congolese Giant spider-when its legs are included-is said to be up to five feet across.
According to cryptozoologists (researchers that investigate unknown creatures that have not been recognized by orthodox science), most of the J'ba FoFi dwell in the Congo. Natives tell stories of the giant web-nests the spiders build, similar to a trap-door spider.
The size of the Congolese Giant spider-when its legs are included-is said to be up to five feet across.
According to cryptozoologists (researchers that investigate unknown creatures that have not been recognized by orthodox science), most of the J'ba FoFi dwell in the Congo. Natives tell stories of the giant web-nests the spiders build, similar to a trap-door spider.
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