UC biologist Bruce Jayne is applying what he
learned about Asian crab-eating snakes to American queen snakes for his next
study. Credit: University of Cincinnati
Anyone who has sat down to a summer crab
feast knows how hard, messy and delicious they are.
But University of Cincinnati biologist Bruce
Jayne found some water snakes that specialize in catching and consuming live crabs, without the benefit of mallets, bibs or utensils.
Snakes can't chew their food so anything they
eat must be bite-sized, even if this amuse-bouche sometimes is an antelope. A
species of water snake in Malaysia
defies this limitation by ripping crabs into manageable bite-sized pieces,
Jayne found.
"Tigers can take huge prey. But for most
snakes, the limit on prey size is what they can swallow whole," said
Jayne, a professor of biological sciences in UC's McMicken College of Arts and
Jayne studies the gape of snake mouths to
determine how this physical limitation factors into a snake's hunting behavior
and choice of prey. In his biology lab at UC, Jayne also studies the novel ways
these limbless reptiles move.
He examined the feeding habits of three
species of mildly venomous water snakes living side by side in southeast Asia:
one that ate hard-shelled crabs, one that ate soft-shelled crabs and a third
that ate snapping shrimp. He found that snakes that hunt soft-shelled crabs can
take on prey four times bigger than they otherwise could swallow whole.
"These crabs are huge! The legs alone
were nearly as big as the snake's gape. But they can consume the crab by
pulling it apart when it's soft and vulnerable," Jayne said.
Bruce Jayne holds up a queen snake, which
specializes in eating freshly molted or softshell crayfish. Credit: University
of Cincinnati
His study was published in late February in
the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. He also presented his findings
at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology's conference this year
in San Francisco.
Most water snakes eat fish, but a family of
snakes called homalopsid eats only crustaceans.
"They're quite the gourmets," he
Now Jayne is turning his attention to North
American water snakes. Like the Asian water snake Gerarda, queen snakes found in the eastern
United States eat softshell crustaceans, namely crayfish.
Jayne has always been fascinated by reptiles.
He co-authored more than 70 studies on snakes or lizards in peer-reviewed
journals and has handled venomous species without incident all around the
"I have not been bitten, and I intend to
keep it that way," Jayne said. "I do not take chances.”
Jayne began field research on
crustacean-eating snakes in the 1980s through serendipity during his first
postdoctoral fellowship at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. He
and esteemed snake researcher Harold Voris, now curator emeritus at the museum,
had gone to Singapore to conduct a mark-and-recapture study of highly venomous
sea snakes, which local fishermen sometimes caught in fishing nets. But late
monsoon rains kept the fishing boats tied up at the docks that year.
Bobbing for crayfish? Some snakes do just
that, according to field research by UC biologists. Credit: University of
Field research is fraught with these
challenges. Jayne said they had to improvise.
"We thought, 'What do we do now?'
Frustrated by our bad luck, we were walking along the shore and noticed a lot
of homalopsid snakes in the mudflats coming in on the tide," he said.
Locals sometimes call them mangrove snakes
because of the habitat where they are found. And that year they were legion. He
and his research partner found one about every meter of shoreline.
"Oddly enough, even though these species
were abundant, they were not terribly well-studied," Jayne said.
"Almost nothing was known about the
crab-eating snakes," Voris said. "When you think about it, the
mangroves are an extremely productive ecosystem. The crabs maintain high
numbers year-round. If snakes can solve the problems of eating crabs, they can
exploit this resource. It's a wonderful system.”
Jayne found three similar snakes living side
by side in the same brackish habitat but hunting far different prey: Fordonia
leucobalia hunted hard-shelled crabs; Gerarda prevostiana ate soft-shelled
crabs and Cantoria violacea dined on snapping shrimp.
Jayne used night-vision cameras to record
their nocturnal hunting techniques, which were specially adapted to their
choice in prey.
A light-colored crayfish has just molted next
to a hardshell crayfish in UC's biology lab. UC biologist Bruce Jayne and his
students are studying queen snakes, which eat crayfish that are soft from
recently molting. Credit: University of Cincinnati
Cantoria, also called Cantor's mangrove
snake, hunted the very biggest snapping shrimp they could swallow whole.
Fordonia chose tiny hard-shelled crabs that were less than half the size they
could swallow. Meanwhile, Gerarda, commonly known as Gerard's water snake,
hunted enormous crabs that were soft from the early stages of moulting.
Crabs have hard exoskeletons that they shed
periodically as they grow. After shedding, it takes time for their newly
exposed exoskeleton to harden into protective armor.
Most snakes have sharp, needlelike teeth that
are poorly designed for chewing, Jayne said. Gerarda gets around this
limitation by ripping off bite-sized chunks of crab and swallowing the pieces
"That's one of the nice things about
studying anatomy and behavior. You know the evolutionary relationships. You can
find some counterintuitive patterns," Jayne said. "It appears that
this specialty in feeding on soft-shelled crustaceans popped up after they were
already feeding on hard-shelled crustaceans.”
Jayne used night vision cameras to record the
hunting habits of the snakes while doing his field research. He played one of
the videos in his office.
"This is a freshly molted crab,"
Jayne said. "It's slimy. They go from being soft and slimy to leathery and
ultimately hard.”
The whole process takes just 45 minutes.
Field Museum of Natural History researcher
Harold Voris scans rainbow water snakes for embedded ID tags that indicate they
were captured previously while conducting research in Thailand. Credit: Daryl
R. Karns
"So the snakes only have about a
20-minute window to eat the crab the way they really like them," he said.
Still, crabs are not an easy meal. They move
quickly both in and out of water. And crabs will eat almost anything, including
small snakes, Jayne said.
"Crabs are a dreadful thing to consume
for a snake—all these pointy edges and sharp claws," he said.
So it was not terribly surprising to Jayne
that Fordonia, the serpent that specializes in hard-shelled crabs, goes after
considerably smaller ones, devouring them legs first from side to side.
"We knew the anatomical limits of what
the snake could eat. But as prey gets bigger, how much harder is it to
eat?" he asked. "It could be that snakes don't eat bigger prey
because they're harder to catch."
This crab-eating snake also demonstrated a
surprising hunting technique, Jayne discovered.
"Despite the great diversity of feeding
behavior among the world's 3,000 snakes, it virtually always starts and ends
the same way—with an open-mouthed strike and swallowing the prey whole. Even in
venomous snakes, they may
strike the prey and release it," Jayne said.
Field Museum of Natural History curator
emeritus Harold Voris holds freshly caught rainbow water snakes after a night
of trapping in Thailand in 1997. Credit: John C. Murphy
But Fordonia strikes at the crab not with its
mouth or fangs but with its chin to pin down the wriggling meal. Then it coils
its body around the pinned crab to manipulate and swallow it.
Fordonia's stomach is tough and resistant to
a crab's sharp points and claws. And horrifyingly, the snakes don't always kill
a crab before swallowing it.
Jayne studied the snakes' diets by gently
prodding their full bellies toward their chins until they coughed up their last
"When we had Fordonia regurgitate the
crabs, they were still alive and ran away," he said.
This discovery refuted previous research that
speculated Fordonia crushed its food with its jaws to consume its hard-shelled
Jayne said he would like to return to
Malaysia to investigate a fish-eating water snake that has an enormous tooth at
the roof of its mouth that is even bigger than its rear fangs.
"There was nothing to suggest they were
eating anything really strange. It was very bizarre," he said. "They
have such weird dentition, there must be something going on."
And fellow researcher Voris said the study
sheds light on the way that animals come to exploit similar niches in the
environment, regardless of geography—a system called convergent evolution.
"It really tests the idea of convergent
evolution," Voris said. "Do we see similar types of behaviors and
morphologies and hunting tactics in different geographic areas? Or are there
important differences that suggest it came about differently?"
Voris said Jayne's work is a testament both
to his perseverance and the university's commitment to research over a career.
"This is the result of his being
supported in his teaching and research over years," Voris said. "If
we didn't have that in our system of higher education and we don't support
science on an ongoing basis, we're in trouble."
And work like this often leads to unexpected
discoveries, such as the medical benefits of snake venom in controlling
seizures, he said.
"It doesn't always seem like it because
we're learning how things operate," Voris said, "but applied science
is at almost every turn in the work we do."

More information: Bruce C Jayne et al. How
big is too big? Using crustacean-eating snakes (Homalopsidae) to test how
anatomy and behaviour affect prey size and feeding performance, Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society (2018). DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/bly007
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