Sunday, 8 June 2014

Game of Thrones author unveils unique plan to raise money for wolves

George R R Martin, the author of the popular book and TV series Game of Thrones, has instituted a unique form of fundraising to support the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary in New Mexico, USA. The sanctuary is dedicated to rescuing and providing a safe haven for captive-bred wolves and wolfdogs that have been ill-treated, and Martin and his wife have been supporting it for a number of years. 

In order to raise at least $200,000 (£120,000) for the cause, Martin has offered one man and one woman the opportunity of being written into the next installment of his fantasy books in return for a donation that will entitle them to an entry into a prize draw. Money raised from the venture will be used to further improve the sancuary habitat for the rescued animals.

Bidders can donate as little as £5 in order to enter. The two winners and a friend will be flown out to Martin's home in New Mexico to spend the day with him and take a helicopter ride to the wolf sanctuary. They will also get the chance to choose what type of person they will be in the book - anyone from a 'whore' to a 'lordling' - with the guarantee from the author that their character will most definitely meet a grisly death!

For a chance to enter the prize draw before the closing date at the beginning of August, go to

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