Thursday, 9 October 2014

300 ft Wall in Bolivia has over 5000 Dinosaur Footprints

Published by Mirex Sebastian on Friday, August 29, 2014 | 

Believe it or not, this 300 foot wall in Bolivia has over 5000 dinosaur footprints!
Discovered dozen years ago near a cement factory in Sucre, Bolivia, this amazing limestone wall, 1.5 km (0.9 miles) long and over 100 meters high (328 ft), contains more than 5000 trails of dinosaurs.

To be exact, this wall has 462 distinct dinosaur tracks from at least 8 different species, totaling an incredible 5,055 individual dinosaur footprints.

They named it “The dinosaur dance floor”.

So how this 68 million year old wall formed? Ian Belcher of The Guardian explains:

“It was unique climate fluctuations that made the region a palaeontological honey pot. The creatures’ feet sank into the soft shoreline in warm damp weather, leaving marks that were solidified by later periods of drought. Wet weather then returned, sealing the prints below mud and sediment. The wet-dry pattern was repeated seven times, preserving multiple layers of prints. The cherry on the cake was added when tectonic activity pushed the flat ground up to a brilliant viewing angle – as if nature was aware of its tourism potential.”

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