Thursday, 9 October 2014

Man Pokes Crocodile In Eye To Stop Attack

 Sun, Sep 21, 2014

A "tipsy" Australian man has told how he was attacked by a crocodile - but managed to fight off the predator by poking it in the eye.

Stephen Moreen said he was bitten on the arm and was then taken under the water by the two-metre long reptile which carried out a "death roll".

The 20-year-old survivor said once he prodded the animal in the eye "he let go" and his cousin shot the creature.

The attack happened near the remote community of Peppimenarti, 313km (195 miles) southwest of Darwin in the Northern Territory, as the pair were hunting geese.

Mr Moreen admitted he did not feel the pain of the bite as he was a "little bit tipsy" and had some more beer while waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

He told the ABC: "I wasn't too worried until I saw the scars. It made me cry.

"I'm fine, I'm alive. It could have been bad. It could have got my leg. I was about waist deep (in water).

Continued ...

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