Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Vast, unnecessary hotel complex to destroy Portugal’s wetland paradise

Portugal gives go-ahead to destroy internationally recognized unique coastal lagoon and bird sanctuary on Algarve coast.
July 2012. With current hotel occupancy standing at just 55% the Portuguese Government has disgracefully given permission for yet more - and, what's worse, the development threatens the last coastal lagoon along the south coast.
The RSPB and SPEA, (the Portuguese equivalent), have been fighting a ten year battle to save the area, Salgados, (or "Pera Marsh" as it's known to many birdwatchers), and for it to be given named as an SPA, (a site of special protection status); inexplicably this has never been granted.
Vast luxury development pannedInstead the Government has given Finalgarve, (part of Grupo Gallilei, a company currently before a Parliamentary Commission for corruption), permission to develop an area of 359 hectares, (887 acres), right next door to this unique habitat. 
Insufficient funds & corruptionIncluded in the plan are three new hotels and a golf course, along with myriad villas and shops etc. However, with not enough funds to pay the fines being levelled on it for its past corruption, Finalgarve have let it be known that they do not have the money necessary for construction and are appealing for investors worldwide. 

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