The shocking image shows an unnamed fisherman who killed and gutted the shark, before climbing inside and forcing his arms through the creature's gills.
Conservationists have condemned a 'hideous and disgusting' viral picture which appears to show a man who killed a shark climbing inside its gutted dead body.
The shocking image shows an unnamed fisherman who killed and gutted the shark, before climbing inside and forcing his arms through the creature's gills.
The fisherman's left hand is holding a knife which he has plunged between the poor shark's eyes.
The picture is said to have decorated the wall of an Australian pub for two years, but has appeared worldwide after being spotted by a radio station Down Under this week.
Today, conservationists branded the picture 'awful and disrespectful'.
TV presenter and naturalist Nick Baker told Yahoo! News: 'It's hideous. It's awful not just in the sense of crawling inside a dead animal, but it's also very disrespectful.
'Some sharks are rarer than the giant panda, and if someone did that to another animal it would be called disgusting.
It is with great sadness that the shark did not slide off the end of the boat taking the dull witted semi evolved simian inside to a hopefully the very deep watery grave.